Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de admit

to admitadmitir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I admityo admito
you admittú admites
he admitsél admite
she admitsella admite
we admitnosotros admitimos
you admitvosotros admitís
they admitellos admiten
they admitellas admiten

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I admittedyo admití
you admittedtú admitiste
he admittedél admitió
she admittedella admitió
we admittednosotros admitimos
you admittedvosotros admitisteis
they admittedellos admitieron
they admittedellas admitieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have admittedyo he admitido
you have admittedtú has admitido
he has admittedél ha admitido
she has admittedella ha admitido
we have admittednosotros hemos admitido
you have admittedvosotros habéis admitido
they have admittedellos han admitido
they have admittedellas han admitido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had admittedyo había admitido
you had admittedtú habías admitido
he had admittedél había admitido
she had admittedella había admitido
we had admittednosotros habíamos admitido
you had admittedvosotros habíais admitido
they had admittedellos habían admitido
they had admittedellas habían admitido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will admityo admitiré
you will admittú admitirás
he will admitél admitirá
she will admitella admitirá
we will admitnosotros admitiremos
you will admitvosotros admitiréis
they will admitellos admitirán
they will admitellas admitirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have admittedyo habré admitido
you will have admittedtú habrás admitido
he will have admittedél habrá admitido
she will have admittedella habrá admitido
we will have admittednosotros habremos admitido
you will have admittedvosotros habréis admitido
they will have admittedellos habrán admitido
they will have admittedellas habrán admitido

I would admityo admitiría
you would admittú admitirías
he would admitél admitiría
she would admitella admitiría
we would admitnosotros admitiríamos
you would admitvosotros admitiríais
they would admitellos admitirían
they would admitellas admitirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have admittedyo habría admitido
you would have admittedtú habrías admitido
he would have admittedél habría admitido
she would have admittedella habría admitido
we would have admittednosotros habríamos admitido
you would have admittedvosotros habríais admitido
they would have admittedellos habrían admitido
they would have admittedellas habrían admitido

Participio presenteAnotado
admitting admitiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
admitted admitido

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